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Showing posts with the label Insurance

Bike insurance: which insurance to choose?

Cycling and Civil Liability: Unveiling the Unseen Risks Like any human activity, cycling can bring forth unexpected challenges, especially when it comes to civil liability. The repercussions may stem from your actions, negligence, imprudence, or even the condition of your bike (as per articles 1240 to 1242 of the Civil Code). Distinctions in Liability Casual Riders and Commuters If you use a bicycle for leisure or as a mode of transport, your civil liability is generally covered by the civil liability insurance within your multi-risk home contract. Sporting and Competitive Cyclists For those who engage in cycling as a sport or competitively, including cycle tourists, the civil liability guarantee is included in their federal license. Professional Cyclists Individuals using bicycles for professional purposes, such as couriers or delivery personnel, must secure specific insurance. Notably, the multi-risk home contract excludes coverage for professional bike-related activities. Ensuring F

How to insure your bike? Our advice for choosing the right insurance

In recent years, bicycles have emerged as a sustainable alternative to cars, transforming cities with a surge in cycle paths. While the benefits of biking are undeniable, incidents can still happen. That's why securing your bike is crucial. Insurance covers a spectrum, from theft to material damage, providing varied protection. Why Insure Your Bike? Even if your home insurance covers your bicycle's civil liability, it's wise to consider additional coverage for theft or potential material damage. Bicycle Insurance Procedures Securing your bike is a straightforward process, involving minimal documentation like the purchase invoice and anti-theft details. The key is to compare insurance contracts, selecting the one tailored to your needs. For urbanites embracing biking as their primary mode of transport, investing in high-performance models like classic bikes, VAEs, or electric bikes is common. As these two-wheelers often come with a hefty price tag, opting for insurance cover

The Future of Family Health Insurance: Trends and Innovations to Watch

As we move towards a world that's increasingly focused on preventative healthcare, the role of cheap family health insurance has never been more important. As the world continues to evolve, the healthcare industry is also changing rapidly, with innovations and trends emerging every year. In this article, we will explore cheap family health insurance, its future, and the key trends and innovations that we can expect to see in the coming years. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a patient, or just curious about the latest developments in the industry, this article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the trends and innovations that are set to shape the future of family healthcare insurance. Here are Some of the Trends and Innovations that are Shaping the Future of Family Healthcare Insurance Sector Telemedicine The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telemedicine, which allows patients to receive medical care remotely through video consultati

The Reasons Why Bookkeeping is Important in Today’s Times

No matter what profession one is pursuing, if it involves any kind of finance, there is a necessity for bookkeeping. In today’s high technology world, the traditional form of it does not quite work. What one needs is bookkeeping software that can keep things up to date. Procrastinating until the time of tax returns is not a good alternative, to say the least. However, this does not mean that endless amount of money has to be invested in order to do concise bookkeeping. How much money someone owes a person, and one’s monetary status can be easily be checked with the best bookkeeping software, absolutely free of cost. Up to Date Records With the help of the best free bookkeeping software , one can now easily keep track of their sales and received accounts. Similarly, regular orders – as well as invoices – are automatically kept track of. As soon as the payment of invoices is done, the records are updated; this, too, is automatic. Professional quotes, orders, sales etc. ca